First of all, I was just at the Coffee Beanery, trying to get some work done. There was this guy there that decided to speak so loud that every body in the goddamn cafe could hear about his life and all that jazz. I mean the person he was speaking to was like 1 foot away and he was screaming at him. I wanted to stab him in the heart with my pen and inscribe, "inside voice" on his heart.
Writing Focus 2...So...Since, I'd really like my students to improve their writing- I think they should attach their first drafts to their second drafts. I would like them to see their changes and it would let me see their changes. (With upwards of 100 students, I can't be expected to remember every person's mind scribbles.)
Oh, and since I'm supposed to be working on figurative language in Reading Focus Three, I'm going to get them to compete for the best example of simile, hyperbole, metaphor, etc. This week, I'm going to use simile. I'll post a picture of the Mapaggi guy and get kids to make inventive similes. The best one at the end of class will win a prize.
Now...what should I give as a prize???