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What is the ideal prison system?

11:31 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
That's the topic today in my Writing Class. I think the worst punishment would be to send them to Korea and force them to attend class after class after class and then give them lots of homework, no sleep, and tell them they have to pass the Su-nun (the Korean SAT's) or suffer the wrath of a disappointed Korean mother. Yes, it's a run-on, but I like the rambling sense of it all...

Here's some research I found on the web:

April 28, 2007
"Self-Pay" Luxury Jails
posted by Frank Pasquale

The tiering of American society has reached one more venerable institution: prisons. California's self-pay jail system is profiled in the NYT today:

For roughly $75 to $127 a day, these convicts — who are known in the self-pay parlance as “clients” — get a small cell behind a regular door, distance of some amplitude from violent offenders and, in some cases, the right to bring an iPod or computer on which to compose a novel, or perhaps a song.

I'm all for making prisons more humane; as the article notes, "The California prison system, severely overcrowded, teeming with violence and infectious diseases and so dysfunctional that much of it is under court supervision, is one that anyone with the slightest means would most likely pay to avoid." But I have a feeling such differential treatment may ultimately do more harm than good. By allowing the wealthiest to "exit" the normal jail system, we lose an important "voice" for making it decent.

I'm not saying that these relatively minor offenders should always be thrown in with hardened recidivists. However, I think we could make the system fairer by keying the "self-pay" amount to the income/wealth of the offender. Consider this approach to fines in Finland:

The officer pulled over [a wealthy entrepreneur's] car and issued him a speeding ticket for driving 43 miles an hour in a 25-mile-an-hour zone. The fine: $71,400. . . . The staggering sum was no mistake. In Finland, traffic fines generally are based on two factors: the severity of the offense and the driver's income. The concept has been embedded in Finnish law for decades: When it comes to crime, the wealthy should suffer as much as the poor. Indeed, sliding-scale financial penalties are also imposed for offenses ranging from shoplifting to securities-law violations.

If the punitive dimension of a prison term is to be diminished for those opting into self-pay jails, perhaps the payment should be reconceived as a fine, capable of inflicting something like the same amount of deterrence as the risk of infection and violence that they are buying their way out of.

Posted by Frank Pasquale at April 28, 2007 02:57 PM

Luxury jail units for young women
Independent, The (London), Jun 21, 1999 by Ian Burrell Home Affairs Correspondent

KELLY BAILEY sits in a room painted pink and white, surrounded by photos of her friends and family, doing her cookery homework. In her designer sportswear and trainers, she looks like any other 18-year- old studying for exams. But she is in the depths of Holloway prison undergoing a revolutionary treatment programme for convicted teenagers.

The Independent was given an exclusive insight into the new unit, blueprint for a multi-million pound project to move more than 400 young female prisoners out of adult jails.

The Prison Service is being forced to respond to a legal challenge by a young female inmate who successfully argued it was unlawful to keep women under 21 in adult jail conditions. Ten units are being set up across England and Wales to allow girls as young as 15 an environment to give them a greater chance of turning from crime. At Holloway in north London, a multi-disciplinary team of 20 staff in an annexe on the ground floor give intensive support to 40 girls aged 15 to 20. The girls have single cells - referred to as "rooms" - and wear the regulatory teenage uniform of designer sportswear and trainers. They have access to computers, art and pottery classes, a modern gymnasium and a swimming pool. Bailey admits that she finds the surroundings "luxurious" compared with what she was expecting. "Before I came to prison I was told my head would be pushed down the toilet and brooms would be shoved here and there," she said. "I was really scared." Her life has been hard. Bailey has suffered child abuse and rape, been addicted to amphetamines and solvents and worked as a prostitute. She has a five-year-old son she will see for the first time in 18 months this weekend when her mother brings him on a visit. The recent scars on her wrists from a broken razor indicate how her cheeriness and optimism are vulnerable and can switch to chronic depressions, compounded by the recent deaths of her grandmother and her 17-year-old best friend, who overdosed on heroin. Bailey is serving a 30-month sentence for an attempted robbery that she says she is deeply ashamed of, and hopes to take a catering course in Cardiff after release. One-third of the women on the unit are mothers. Amy, 19, is due to go into labour in four days, when she will be moved into Holloway's specialist mother and baby unit. She says the new programme has taught her little, and she would prefer to be with older women who have more experience of motherhood. After her arrest, Amy phoned her mother in the West Midlands to say that she was in London and tell her she had taken a secret holiday to Jamaica and was now on her way to prison. She was sentenced to three years for smuggling cannabis. She was also six weeks pregnant. Cut off by family and friends, she plans to move into a London housing association flat with her baby when she is released next year. At 16, Sarah is one of the youngest in the unit. She has only 13 days to serve of her month-long sentence for threatening behaviour, and giggles excitedly at the prospect of returning to her flat and two-year-old son. She would have been "very worried" by the prospect of serving time with adult prisoners but confesses that she cannot be sure the experience of the new unit will keep her out of trouble. The unit manager, principal officer Phil Richardson, said: "We are not saying none of them will reoffend. We are giving them the chance to make a judgement of whether they want to come back inside or change their lifestyle." He said that 48 per cent of the girls believed the experience had improved their chances on release. The girls are offered a wide-ranging programme of education classes, anger and stress management courses, and advice on contraception, healthy diets and improving sleep patterns disrupted by late nights, drugs and alcohol abuse. The programme was drawn up after Lord Justice Flood ruled in 1997 that a teenage inmate at Risley, Cheshire, was being unlawfully held. The ruling, which applied only to sentenced prisoners, is extended to all young women, including those on remand, on trial, or awaiting sentence.

Copyright 1999 Newspaper Publishing PLC
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.

A search on Unconstitutional Prison conditions pulled up this...

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

To: Concerned Individuals Worldwide

We at Fdrag have received the following letter from inmates at Q wing at Florida State Prison. They are going on a hunger strike to protest and hopefully change the conditions that exist on Q wing. The men are hungry and deprived contact with the outside world for years at a time, which is not in accordance with the rules. Please read the words from the inmates yourself, before you sign the petition.


Maximum Management Hunger Strike Alert

On February 1, 2004, the inmates housed on Q-wing at Florida State Prison will begin a hunger strike in protest of the erroneous and unconstitutional conditions that we are being forced to endure. These conditions are violating federally protected constitutional rights. Those that are not participating are either mentally ill or in fear of retaliation from this administration. We are protesting our confinement to Maximum Management without justification.


1. We inmates are confined to a 9 x 7 ft. cell (63 ft2), 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 30 days a month. Once a month, and only once a month, we receive recreation.

2. There are no TV s, no radios, newspapers, magazines, or books. There is nothing to occupy the human mind, and no way of knowing what s going on in society.

3. We are denied visitation and phone calls from family and friends, which could last not weeks or months, but for years at a time.

4. We are denied canteen / commissary rights, and nightly we go to sleep hungry on what this State Department of Corrections contractor, Aramark, feeds us

5. We are not allowed shampoo, mouthwash, or deodorant to kill body odor. We are forced to put non-scented state soap or toothpaste under our arms.

6. These erroneous conditions are maliciously forced upon us, without any penological justification.

7. The highest security prison in this nation, Marion Federal Correctional Institution located in Marion, IL, does not treat its inmates to this degree.

8. These are arbitrary and capricious conditions that are unjustifiable and totally without penological justification.

The rule we’re being held under is Chapter 33-601.820, Maximum Management. Florida Administrative Codes state in the rules that Maximum Management is a temporary status for an inmate, who through a current / recent incident, requires an immediate level of control. Most of the inmates under this rule have been disciplinary-report-free for months and in some cases years. Yet we are deprived of our property, privileges, and rights. The rule states in section (4)(c) that upon positive adjustment the inmate s conditions will be adjusted to that of Close Management 1; yet no matter how long we go discipline-report-free, we are denied Close Management 1 privileges, which is further proof that this is an arbitrary and capricious rule.


1. A directive for a release to be added to Chapter 33-601.820 Maximum Management, which is noticeably absent from the directive, and that is how this administration is able to manipulate this rule and use it as a continuous form of punitive isolation.

2. The right to weekly recreation, which is provided in a secure 10 x 20 ft dog run

3. The right to adequate clothing in the winter months.

4. The right to receive books, magazines, and newspapers.

5. The radios be returned to the inmates.

6. The canteen / commissary rights to be restored to that of Close Management 1 or Death Row, according to status.

7. Return of phone calls and visitation.

8. There will be no denial of any of the above rights, privileges, and property without procedural due process being afforded.

The relief sought is not overly demanding and in fact will bring Maximum Management under constitutional standards, which I ve attempted to do in the past six months by notifying the following individuals of the constitutional violations taking place under Maximum Management: Governor Jeb Bush, Attorney General Charlie Crist, Inspector General Gerald Abdul-Wasi, the Florida Legislature, and Secretary of the FDOC, James V. Crosby, Jr., all to no avail.

This hunger strike is being forced upon us as being the last resort to bring attention to these erroneous and unconstitutional conditions that exceed those of Disciplinary Confinement. Therefore, we are pleading for support and for someone to step in and correct these constitutional violations and bring Florida State Prison and Chapter 33-601.820 Maximum Management under constitutional standards. Thank you for your help and support.

Inmates of Maximum Management Q-Wing
Florida State Prison
7819 N.W. 228th St.
Raiford, Florida 32026-1160

But Judge Harold Baer Jr. of Federal District Court in Manhattan declined to dismiss supervision of about half of the oversight measures related to basic environmental conditions in more than a dozen jails, on Rikers Island and elsewhere.

He said the constitutional rights of inmates in these areas were still being violated.

At nine city jails, the ruling said, there were flaws in the ventilation systems, which are meant to prevent transmission of airborne diseases and limit complications among the many inmates with asthma.

In parts of several jails, the judge found, inmates had been forced at times to live in cells or dormitories without adequate heat. One inmate at the North Infirmary Command on Rikers Island, for example, testified last year that water and snow came through broken windows, freezing on the windowsills.

Inmates at two jails also were housed next to diesel generators that run around the clock, emitting intense noise, the ruling found.

Citing ''mildewed and decrepit bathroom and shower areas, clogged toilets,'' unsanitary mattresses, dirty cells and other cleanliness problems, Judge Baer also cited the city jails for violation of general sanitation standards.

Rape Crisis in U.S. Prisons
First-Ever National Survey Finds Widespread Abuse, Official Indifference

(New York, April 19, 2001) — A ground-breaking new report by Human Rights Watch, No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons, charges that state authorities are responsible for widespread prisoner-on-prisoner sexual abuse in U.S. men's prisons. The 378-page report is based on more than three years of research and is the first national survey of prisoner-on-prisoner rape. There are some two million inmates in U.S. prisons and jails.
" Rape is in no way an inevitable consequence of incarceration. But it is a predictable one if prison and prosecutorial authorities do little to prevent and punish it. "
Joanne Mariner, Deputy Director of the Americas Division of Human Rights Watch

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Related Material

No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons

Excerpts from Prisoners' Letters to Human Rights Watch

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Contribute to Human Rights Watch
"Rape is in no way an inevitable consequence of incarceration," said Joanne Mariner, deputy director of the Americas division of Human Rights Watch, and author of the report. "But it is a predictable one if prison and prosecutorial authorities do little to prevent and punish it."

Human Rights Watch warned that by failing to implement reasonable measures to prevent and punish rape—and, indeed, in many cases, taking actions that make sexual victimization likely—state authorities permit this physically and psychologically devastating abuse to occur. The group's findings are based on correspondence with more than 200 prisoners spread among thirty-four states, inmate interviews, and a comprehensive survey of state correctional authorities.

Certain prisoners are targeted for sexual exploitation the moment they enter a penal facility: their age, looks, sexual orientation, and other characteristics mark them as candidates for abuse. Human Rights Watch's research revealed a broad range of factors that correlate with increased vulnerability to rape. These include youth, small size, and physical weakness; being white, gay, or a first offender; possessing "feminine" characteristics such as long hair or a high voice; being unassertive, unaggressive, shy, intellectual, not street-smart, or "passive"; or having been convicted of a sexual offense against a minor.

Sexual Slavery
In the most extreme cases, Human Rights Watch found that prisoners unable to escape a situation of sexual abuse may find themselves the "slaves" of their rapists. Forced to satisfy another man's sexual appetites whenever he demands, they may also be responsible for washing his clothes, massaging his back, cooking his food, cleaning his cell, and a range of other chores. They are frequently "rented out" for sex, sold, or even auctioned off to other inmates.

No conclusive national data exist regarding the prevalence of prisoner-on-prisoner rape in the United States. But the most recent statistical survey, published in the Prison Journal, showed that 21 percent of inmates in seven Midwestern prisons had experienced at least one episode of pressured or forced sex since being incarcerated, and at least 7 percent had been raped in their facility. And an internal departmental survey of corrections officers in one southern state found that line officers ?those charged with the direct supervision of inmates ?estimated that roughly one-fifth of all prisoners were being coerced into participation in inmate-on-inmate sex.

"These rapes are unimaginably vicious and brutal," said Mariner. "Gang assaults are not uncommon, and victims may be left beaten, bloody and, in the most extreme cases, dead."

One of the most tragic and violent cases the report documents is that of Randy Payne, a twenty-three-year-old incarcerated in Texas. Within a week of entering prison, Payne was attacked by a group of some twenty inmates. The inmates demanded sex and money, but Payne refused. He was beaten for almost two hours, and died of head injuries a few days later.

Victims of rape often suffer extreme psychological stress, a condition identified as "rape trauma syndrome." Many inmate victims with whom Human Rights Watch has been in contact have reported nightmares, deep depression, shame, loss of self-esteem, self-hatred, and considering or attempting suicide.

"Deliberate Indifference"
Correctional authorities generally deny that prisoner-on-prisoner rape is a serious problem. Human Rights Watch surveyed correctional authorities in all 50 states on the prevalence of rape and sexual abuse. In that multi-year survey, not one state reported abuse rates even faintly approaching those found by academic researchers. For example, New Mexico prison officials said, regarding "the ‘problem' of male inmate-on-inmate rape and sexual abuse" (internal quotation marks are theirs), that they had "no recorded incidents over the past few years." Nearly half of all states do not even compile separate statistics on sexual assault.

The authorities' reluctance to acknowledge the problem of prisoner-on-prisoner rape is reflected not only in misleading official statistics, but also in a glaringly inadequate response to incidents of rape. "U.S. state prisons have failed to take even obvious, basic steps necessary to tackle prison rape," Mariner said. "This deliberate indifference has had tragic consequences."

A central problem is the deficient ?and, in many instances, callous and irresponsible ?response of correctional staff to complaints of rape. When an inmate informs an officer he has been threatened with rape or, worse, actually assaulted, it is crucial that his complaint be investigated and that he be protected from further abuse. Yet Human Rights Watch found that correctional staff frequently ignore or even react hostilely to inmates' complaints of rape.

"Another important contributing factor to the prison rape crisis is the failure of the criminal justice system to address these crimes," said Mariner. "Perpetrators of prison rape rarely face criminal charges, even when rape is accompanied by extreme physical violence."

The case of M.R., a Texas inmate, is illustrative. M.R. was violently raped and beaten several times over a period of several months by the same prisoner. Fearful for his life, he reported the abuse to the prison authorities, but found no protection. In fact one investigator dismissed the problem as a "lovers' quarrel." Finally one day the rapist showed up in M.R.'s housing area and attacked M.R. again. The rapist hit M.R. so hard with a combination lock that when M.R. regained consciousness he could read the word "Master" ?the lockmaker ?on his forehead. In all, during the rape, M.R. suffered a broken neck, jaw, left collarbone, and finger; a dislocated left shoulder; two major concussions, and lacerations to his scalp that caused bleeding on the brain. Notwithstanding the extreme violence of the attack, and despite M.R.'s best efforts to press charges, the rapist was never criminally prosecuted.

Another devastating consequence of prisoner-on-prisoner rape discussed in the report is the transmission of the HIV virus. Several prisoners with whom Human Rights Watch is in contact believe that they have contracted HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, through forced sexual intercourse in prison.

The book-length Human Rights Watch report explains:

* why and how prisoner-on-prisoner sexual abuse occurs;

* who commits it and who falls victim to it;

* prison rape's long-term effects, both physical and psychological;

* how are prison authorities coping with it; and

* what reforms must be instituted to better prevent rape from occurring.

"Prison rape is part of the mythology of prison life. But in reality, it is devastating human rights abuse that can and should be prevented," said Mariner. The report includes extensive recommendations to federal and state authorities, urging them to step up their efforts to address this gross violation of human dignity.

What have I learned? I'm not going to jail because I would like to protect my haha.



I'm not going to update this site anymore

12:18 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
If you want to see my lesson plans please go to:




A Modest Proposal

4:04 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
It's been years since I read the wonderful satire by Jonathon Swift. I think the essay for today is going to be to get my students to write a satire like "A Modest Proposal" in an argumentative style for an important issue today.


Public school teachers needed.

8:12 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
One of my friends is looking for people that would like to work a public school job. You can contact me at

I can tell you from experience that working at the public school is a heck a lot better than working at hagwons. The hours are totally kickass and the kids are appreciative.

You can also contact me for more information. They are willing to fly people in from out of the country too.


Job description

1. Location: Public elementary school in Bu-cheon, Gwang-myeong and Yong-in area

2. Type of students: Elementary

3. Working hours: 12:00pm to 6:00pm (Monday to Friday)

4. Actual teaching hours: 1:30pm to 6:00pm (5 classes)

5. Class size: 12 at most

6. Starting date: 10 positions starting March and April


1. Salary: 2.0~2.3 million KRW (depends on experience and qualification)

2. Over time pay: 20,000 KRW an hour

3. Severance pay: One month salary upon completion of the Contract

4. Airfare to Korea: Reimbursed or Paid in advance by Employer

5. One-way air ticket to the teacher’s home country upon completion of the contract

6. Furnished housing provided or Housing allowances: 300,000 KRW a month

7. E2 visa sponsorship

8. Support 50% of medical insurance fee

9. 10 days paid holiday (5 days each in Summer and Winter season)

Qualifications / Requirements

1. Native English speaker (N. America, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc.)

2. Bachelor’s degree or higher

How to apply

Send e-mail with your

1. Resume / C.V.

2. Recent scanned photo


The Korean Cry Versus the American Cry

8:38 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
When Americans cry, there is but a quiet lone drop. The eyes get red, the face is solemn and the tears streak the face. It's a beautifully contrained emotion.

The Korean cry requires the face to scrunch up like the tied stem end of a balloon, the cheeks must have miniature earthquakes and when the force of the emotion becomes too strong, the tears explode from the eyes, a strong primal wave emulates from the mouth, hands turn into fists that try to obliterate the ground in which we walk, the messenger from initated the pain, and even the brain where these thoughts reside- the person becomes lost to the emotion.


Vocabulary and Figurative Language

7:32 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I'm going to encourage my students to use their homework vocabulary and to use figurative language in their essays by giving them extra bonus points for doing so. They should underline the words and phrases by underlining them. I think this will get them to increase their vocabulary and to think outside of the box.


China's effect on Korea Essay WF2

3:53 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
Dust is uncountable. It isn't dusts.
desert not dessert

affect and effect
USAGE NOTE Affect and effect have no senses in common. As a verb affect is most commonly used in the sense of “to influence” (how smoking affects health). Effect means “to bring about or execute”: layoffs designed to effect savings. Thus the sentence These measures may affect savings could imply that the measures may reduce savings that have already been realized, whereas These measures may effect savings implies that the measures will cause new savings to come about.


Writing 2

5:14 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
Rhetorical Questions:

* "Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?" William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Act 3, scene 2.

Some rhetorical questions become idiomatic English expressions:

* "What's the matter with you?"
* "Don't you know any better?"
* "Have you no shame?"
* "Is the Pope Catholic?" and "Do bears shit in the woods?"
* "Do fish swim?"
* "Are you crazy?"
* "Who cares?"
* "How should I know?"
* "Are you kidding me?"
* "Do you expect me to do it for you?"
* "Do pigs fly?"
* "What's up?"

Ethos example:
Acme Gizmotronics, the company that you've trusted for over 100 years, has recently entered the World Wide Web! Now you can purchase our fine products through the internet. Our quality gizmos, widgets, and thingamabobs can be shipped to you within minutes. All come with the famous lifetime guarantee that makes Acme the company that the world depends on for it's gizmo needs.

Wiley Coyote Our spokesperson, Mr. Coyote says "I'm not really a coyote, but I play one on tv. I've used Acme products for years. Their slingshots, rocket launchers, crowbars, pogo sticks, and power pills are the best around. And don't forget their high-powered dynamite! I buy everything from Acme. They are the company that I trust the most."

ACME is currently supporting reasearch into a form of clean, ultra-efficient, cesium-based power that promises to usher in a new period of cheap, globally available power. Based on a small island off the coast of Costa Rica, ACME Technology Research is one of our most significant divisions.

Logos example:
By combining cesium and dihydro-oxide in laboratory conditions, and capturing the released energy, ACME has promised to lead the way into the future. Our energy source is clean, safe, and powerful. No pollutants are released into the atmosphere. The world will soon have an excellent source of clean energy.

A typical example of energy released from the dihydro-cesium process.

ACME is currently working towards a patent on our process. Our scientists are exploring ways to use the process in cars, houses, airplanes, and almost anything else that needs power. ACME batteries will be refitted with small dihydro-cesium reactors. Once the entire world is powered by ACME's generators, we can all relax and enjoy a much easier life.

Pathos example:
Cesium-Based Reactor Kills!
A baby turtle breaks free from the leathery shell of its egg, catching its first glimpse of its first sunrise. It pauses a moment to rest, unaware of the danger that lies so close to it. As the tide comes in, approaching the nest, it also approaches a small pile of metal - cesium. The water draws closer and closer, the turtle unsuspecting of the danger. Finally, the water touches the cesium.

The nest is torn to bits in the resulting explosion, destroying even more of an endangered species.

Why does this happen? One name: Acme.

Acme Gizmotronics is supporting a dihydro-cesium reactor, trying, in their anthrocentrism, to squeeze energy out of such destructive explosions. And, they are dumping waste cesium onto the shores of their island, threatening the environment. Studies have shown that the dihydro-cesium reactor will destroy the island's ecosphere in less than four months!

How can they get away with this?

Costa Rica (where the island is near) has lax environmental laws, allowing Acme to do whatever they want - including destroy endangered species.

What can you do about this?

Don't let them get away with it! Boycott Acme products! And call your representatives, and tell them you support stricter legislation to prevent things like this!


Grading Essays

7:09 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I'm wondering if I could initiate a point based system to grading essays. I think it would be beneficial to my students because they could see in a quantitative way what areas they need to focus on and those in which they excel. I figure I should have 3 categories:

Grammar: Content: Style:

I should give 5 points for each for a total of 15 points. 12+ = A, 10+ = B, 8+ = C,

I'm thinking that the categories might not really explain anything though. I mean I can accurately give grammar and content a figure, but style? I thinking I could use style to encompass the realm of tone, figurative language, that ever ubiquitous "enjoyability to read."'s's time to go home


Writing Focus 2

6:53 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
S. from my Wednesday class is my favorite. She has started to work the collocation words into her essays. And that's not all, she underlines them so I know where they are in the essay. I think I'm going to encourage all my other students to do this. I should also give them extra points for using figurative language in their essays. They should underline these and I'll give them praise and points!


Reading Focus 3 Why is it like something to be alive?

10:25 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I'm teaching Robert Wright's,"Why it is like Something to Be Alive." Hmmmm...It has to do with the consciousness of bats and he cites this guy Nagel. Nagel says, "The essence of the belief that bats have experience is that there is something that is is like to be a bat." What? Here are my notes.

So only bats could know what it's like to have could never know?

He's saying that everything is something, but then he goes into what consciousness is in a random rambling tone highlighted with pop culture references i.e. the Jetsons and GMC trucks. Then he talks about Descartes, "I think therefore I am."

Here's the definition of epiphenomenon:

ep·i·phe·nom·e·non (ĕp'ə-fĭ-nŏm'ə-nŏn') pronunciation
n., pl. -na (-nə).

1. A secondary phenomenon that results from and accompanies another: “Exploitation of one social class or ethnic group by another [is] an epiphenomenon of real differences in power between social groups” (Harper's).
2. Pathology. An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.

Reading this, I must say, that I don't like Robert Wright. Here's a picture of the goober. He has this rambling, smart-alecky tone, as he tries to coin terms like "Shadow Consciousness." paragraph 17, I'm starting to like him. I'm buying into his punniness.

He shifts from bats to computer consciousness and to be honest, I think my students have had technology beaten so deep into their craniums that this is simply white noise.

Ok...he's starting to allude to the concept of a "Ghost in a Shell."

"Koestler is using a different approach, aiming at a more general explanatory principle, the hierarchical organisation of life and the adaptability of living forms through a continuous exchange of energy and information."

su·per·flu·ous (sʊ-pûr'flū-əs) pronunciation

Being beyond what is required or sufficient.

Wright: "That's the tough question. If the feeling is truly superfluous, then there can be no evolutionary explanation of it."

Paragraph 23: Copier metaphor.

Para 24, he's equating consciousness to evolution. Consciousness is a mistake...copies of copies.

Para 26 computers don't need to be self conscious to be conscious.

Para 29 he talks about the robots on the subway...robot dating...they are a really bad actor saying, "I love you"

Para 30 goes into morality of killing robots. I wonder if it's the same as killing a bug

Para 31 why consciousness it a survival instinct?

Para 33 he brings to question, is consciousness an afterthought? A secondary phenomenon?

Conclusion...he's basically saying it's something to be alive and it's something to simply a product of evolution. We should accept it and deal with it. Hmmm...I think he probably pissed off a bunch of religious people


Writing Focus 3

4:56 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
Here's what I'm going to do today. Inductive reasoning. I'm going to get the students to make generalizations about me and then about each other. Then I'm going to trap them into talking about generalizations about Japanese and Americans and then talk about how hasty generalizations and stereotypes are fallacies that could ultimately hurt their writing.

I think this'll be fun^^

Here are some notes:

Inductive Reasoning

According to Answers:
Adjusting a course of action based upon a limited amount of information gathered. It is a process where one starts from a specific experience and draws inferences (generalizations) from it. For example, a salesperson, by observing a potential customer's reaction to the sales presentation, may induce what the customer's needs and personality are and what should be said to obtain the sale.

According to Wikipedia:
Inductive reasoning is the complement of deductive reasoning. For other article subjects named induction, see Induction (disambiguation).

Induction or inductive reasoning, sometimes called inductive logic, is the process of reasoning in which the premises of an argument are believed to support the conclusion but do not ensure it. It is used to ascribe properties or relations to types based on tokens (i.e., on one or a small number of observations or experiences); or to formulate laws based on limited observations of recurring phenomenal patterns. Induction is used, for example, in using specific propositions such as:

This ice is cold.
A billiard ball moves when struck with a cue. infer general propositions such as:

All ice is cold.
All billiard balls struck with a cue move.

Strong and weak induction

Strong induction

All observed crows are black.
All crows are black.

This exemplifies the nature of induction: inducing the universal from the particular. However, the conclusion is not certain.

Weak induction

I always hang pictures on nails.
All pictures hang from nails.

Assuming the first statement to be true, this example is built on the certainty that "I always hang pictures on nails" leading to the generalization that "All pictures hang from nails". However, the link between the premise and the inductive conclusion is weak. No reason exists to believe that just because one person hangs pictures on nails that there are no other ways for pictures to be, or that other people cannot do other things with pictures. Indeed, not all pictures are hung from nails; moreover, not all pictures are hung. The conclusion cannot be strongly inductively made from the premise. Using other knowledge we can easily see that this example of induction would lead us to a clearly false conclusion. Conclusions drawn in this manner are usually over generalizations.

Teenagers are given many speeding tickets.
All teenagers speed.

In this example, the premise is built upon a certainty; however, it is not one that leads to the conclusion. Not every teenager observed has been given a speeding ticket. In other words, unlike "The sun rises every morning", there are already plenty of examples of teenagers not being given speeding tickets. Therefore the conclusion drawn can easily be true or false (perhaps more easily false than true in this case), and the inductive logic does not give us a strong conclusion. In both of these examples of weak induction, the logical means of connecting the premise and conclusion (with the word "therefore") are faulty, and do not give us a strong inductively reasoned statement.


Formal logic as most people learn it is deductive rather than inductive. Some philosophers claim to have created systems of inductive logic, but it is controversial whether a logic of induction is even possible. In contrast to deductive reasoning, conclusions arrived at by inductive reasoning do not necessarily have the same degree of certainty as the initial premises. For example, a conclusion that all swans are white is false, but may have been thought true in Europe until the settlement of Australia, when Black Swans were discovered. Inductive arguments are never binding but they may be cogent. Inductive reasoning is deductively invalid. (An argument in formal logic is valid if and only if it is not possible for the premises of the argument to be true whilst the conclusion is false.) In induction there are always many conclusions that can reasonably be related to certain premises. Inductions are open; deductions are closed. It is however possible to derive a true statement using inductive reasoning if you know the conclusion. The only way to have an efficient argument by induction is for the known conclusion to be able to be true only if an unstated external conclusion is true, from which the initial conclusion was built and has certain criteria to be met in order to be true (separate from the stated conclusion). By substitution of one conclusion for the other, you can inductively find out what evidence you need in order for your induction to be true. For example, if you have a window that opens only one way, but not the other. Assuming that you know that the only way for that to happen is that the hinges are faulty, inductively you can postulate that the only way for that window to be fixed would be to apply oil (whatever will fix the unstated conclusion). From there on you can successfully build your case. However, if your unstated conclusion is false, which can only be proven by deductive reasoning, then your whole argument by induction collapses. Thus ultimately, pure inductive reasoning does not exist.

Good Pdf of inductive and deductive reasoning


Writing Focus 2

4:32 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
It's a sad day. My 10am class is down to 6 students. sigh...I think it's because it's too early. Fortunately the good ones stayed^^ Unfortunately, I spent a ton of time grading all of those jerks papers yesterday for no gosh darn reason.


Oh, so it goes.

Today is a review and in class essay. Make sure you have paper to hand out.

Review. And then do the in class essay.


Writing Focus 2 China

7:30 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
First of all, I am going over the essays that my students wrote for China's potential influence on Korea. I need to go over that they need to write for an audience of people that might not be familiar with the topic. My students mention things like the History of Goguru and they don't realize that people that are not Korean have no idea what it is. They need to give background information so the audience will understand the topic in context. This will help Korea to fight China's "perversion of the history."

Also to note, the essays for the class are getting shorter and shorter. They also lack detail and effort. I need to have a discussion with the class. Is it because they are getting too busy or are the topics simply boring?

I think I'm going to go over conclusions today. I'll get everyone in the class to read their conclusions and then I'll pick and pan them.

I'm going to punch R. in the nose for turning in such a crappy paper!

I think I should get my students to handwrite the first drafts. I think it'll be better for them and it will honestly force them to rewrite. This is something that I'll have to think about for next term.

One more thing. No more eating in the classroom. It is J's new rule. They can eat during breaks, but not in the classroom.


What's this blog about?

7:17 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
First of all, my goal is to start putting my lesson plans on this blog so that I know what I need to focus on for the week. If other people would like to see my teaching methods that's all fine and dandy, but I seriously need to do this for myself. I find it's easier to blog my lesson plans because they are always there. I want to move away from a hard copy way of keeping records. I'm constantly losing papers and those distractions keep me from the task at hand.'s all about me. I guess, I could close it down to other people but for some odd reason, I won't write the blog if I do that. I guess I like the idea of having some audience.

Ok...back to work.


Writing Focus 2

7:37 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
The school year has started for many of my students so many are transferring to other classes. I'm a bit worried about my Writing Focus 3 because I think I am down to 3 or 4 students.

Jin ha, one of my Tuesday night students has transferred to my Sunday morning class and I haven't had time to grade his papers. I have to photograph them and e-mail them to him.


Writing Focus 3

4:03 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
First, I'm going to go over their homework. I won't have time to go over the vocabulary. They read On Discovery pg234 and Coming Home Again 244. I should focus on the relationship between The mother and son and how food is symbolic of their relationship.

Then I'll go into the lesson.

I'm going to start with Taylor Mali's How to write a Political Poem to illustrate ideas emphasis, parallelism, and length.

I'm going to give my students quick definitions of

Loose and Periodic Sentences:
Loose Sentence-A sentence that introduces the main idea close to the beginning and concludes with a series of modifiers.
Periodic Sentences: A sentence that builds to the main idea.
Parallelism-Grammatically similar words, phrases, and clauses arranged to highlight similar ideas.
Antithesis-The arrangement of contrasting ideas in grammatically similar phrases and clauses-The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. To be or not to be, that is the question., and

I think it would be better to start with the reading Abe Lincoln's The Gettysburg Address. Then go into definitions and then point out the the writing skills that we just defined in the speech. Then I'm going to talk about Taylor Mali. I'll go over the poem, talk about it and then move on to MLK's essay entitled "Nonviolent Resistance."

At the end of class, I'll hand back their previous essays and offer suggestions for improvement.

For homework, they can write the assigned topic or they can write a political speech on a trivial campaign like the importance of pooper scoopers^^



Writing Focus 2

3:29 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
For this class I'm going to briefly go over the lesson in the book and then give kids a chance to write definitions for words. I'll start them with:

Clinchpooper and then Wisterpooper and finally thenan.

These are really words. You can find out what they mean here

Then I'll ask them what is a definition of...should I do nationalities??? I don't think that would be wise. I think it would, but it would have to be in depth. I should get students to define the French, Australian, New Zealanders or Kiwi's, Canadians, the Americans and Korea.

I should get them to focus on a national symbol. For example, the Kiwi should use the bird Kiwi as their symbol, the French the baguette...etc.

I think this will be fun and then we can brainstorm about their topic...what it's like to be Korean.



Back to Life

3:24 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I've seriously got to focus. I mean last night I said some unkind words to Yea Jin and I'm going to have to be extra nice for the next couple of days to get back my footing. If I was her, I would have used my footing to kick my own ass...I mean her ass...I mean..

Anyway, the whole point is that I'm lacking ideas and originality. I need to prep better for my classes and I should use this blog just like I used the blog at Wonmyeong Elementary School.

Determination. Let's get my prep done.



WF3 And WF2

8:04 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I'm going to get students to write political speeches for WF3 and I'm going to get a list of ambiguous terms in order to get my students to define.


I am too nice to my students

11:21 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I am too nice to my students. I need to be more strict with them because they are not improving, they are simply going into a lull. Sigh...I really admire Erica and Richard. They are really strict, but they get results. I've always felt that I should nurture the students and let them find their own way. The problem with this is that after a while they tend to lose that edge and they de-prioritized my class for another. Hello, don't they know that my class is the most important one! I need to get mean and if they drop, then it's not my fault, it's theirs'.

I don't want to be the teacher that gives "Easy A's."

Let's make them work for it.




5:14 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses


Writing 2

5:02 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
This weeks essay is to get students to compare themselves to a fictional or real "famous person." I gave them some examples which I attributed to other students. I find if I tell them other students came up with the ideas, they get really competitive and try to think outside the box. Because they are trying to be original, they tend to come up with more descriptive, detailed essays because they enjoy what they are writing.

Here are the the examples:

"One of my students compared himself to Spiderman. He put on a uniform and helped others on the internet. He used the internet as his web and traveled around trying to help students with homework and vanquishing people who put up inappropriate comments on news forums."

"Another one of my students compared himself to Smegal and her cellphone was her precious. She worshipped it and was always rubbing it and talking to it. One day her teacher took the phone away and she was devastated. She ended up helping the teacher everyday trying to get on his good side by cleaning the class, doing her homework, and other tasks. Outwardly she praised his teacher, but inwardly she was cursing the teacher and wished for his death."

By the by, one of my students wanted to compare himself to Stalin. That should be interesting.



4:53 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I've been trying to teach my students irony and its a really tough concept for most of my students. They kinda get situational irony and they understand irony when I explain it to them, but when I ask them to come up with examples- they are always at a loss. I'm going to compile some research so I can come up with a better way to explain it to them.


1. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
2. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
3. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.

1. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated” (Richard Kain).
2. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity. See Usage Note at ironic.

irony, figure of speech in which what is stated is not what is meant. The user of irony assumes that his reader or listener understands the concealed meaning of his statement. Perhaps the simplest form of irony is rhetorical irony, when, for effect, a speaker says the direct opposite of what she means. Thus, in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, when Mark Antony refers in his funeral oration to Brutus and his fellow assassins as “honorable men” he is really saying that they are totally dishonorable and not to be trusted. Dramatic irony occurs in a play when the audience knows facts of which the characters in the play are ignorant. The most sustained example of dramatic irony is undoubtedly Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, in which Oedipus searches to find the murderer of the former king of Thebes, only to discover that it is himself, a fact the audience has known all along.

Irony is the form of paradox. Paradox is what is good and great at the same time. - Friedrich Schlegel

# A situation immortalized in O. Henry's story The Gift of the Magi, in which a young couple is too poor to buy each other Christmas gifts. The man finally pawns his heirloom pocket watch to buy his wife a set of combs for her long, prized, beautiful hair. She, meantime, cuts her hair to sell to a wigmaker for money to buy her husband a watch-chain.
# A man goes over a giant waterfall in a barrel and survives, only to take a cleanup shower where he slips on the soap and dies from trauma and drowning. Such a contrast occurred in 2006 when Australian naturalist Steve Irwin, famous for surviving many close encounters with Earth's deadliest animals, died in a freak accident with a sting-ray, an animal which almost never causes fatalities.
# An anti-capitalist website sells anti-capitalism t-shirts for a profit.

The use of words to mean something very different from what they appear on the surface to mean. Jonathan Swift uses irony in “A Modest Proposal” when he suggests the eating of babies as a solution to overpopulation and starvation in Ireland.



4:54 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
In a market in the park, there are ice cream corns...


What the hey?@?

3:13 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
One of my students wrote this in her paper:

"The feature of the gate is motivated from two jumping craps which are just as vivid as students."

I think she means carp.


Writing Focus 2

6:41 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I need to go over the words:
Histrionic-exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract ,
precocious-aving developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier
in someone's circle

English is strange:

I got a hole in one.
I often get hole in one~wrong
I often get holes in one.
I can see why my students would make this mistake because they confuse one with hole , hence they think its only 1.

by the by, it's snowing in Seoul^^



Writing Focus 2

11:07 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
First of all, I was just at the Coffee Beanery, trying to get some work done. There was this guy there that decided to speak so loud that every body in the goddamn cafe could hear about his life and all that jazz. I mean the person he was speaking to was like 1 foot away and he was screaming at him. I wanted to stab him in the heart with my pen and inscribe, "inside voice" on his heart.

Writing Focus 2...So...Since, I'd really like my students to improve their writing- I think they should attach their first drafts to their second drafts. I would like them to see their changes and it would let me see their changes. (With upwards of 100 students, I can't be expected to remember every person's mind scribbles.)

Oh, and since I'm supposed to be working on figurative language in Reading Focus Three, I'm going to get them to compete for the best example of simile, hyperbole, metaphor, etc. This week, I'm going to use simile. I'll post a picture of the Mapaggi guy and get kids to make inventive similes. The best one at the end of class will win a prize.

Now...what should I give as a prize???


Writing Focus 2 class

2:14 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
Things I should do....hmmmm... I know I need time to grade all their papers. I think I should spend about 10 minutes going over grading as a class, talk about expectations on papers and such. I'll dole out individual help as I hand out papers. I'll give them a topic at the beginning to write on and get the students who didn't do their papers to write them in class. This should take up about 30 minutes.

I need to go over using verb tenses in narratives and how to use quotations in their writing.

Brainstorming topic???


I tried Superhero names yesterday

4:05 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
only to find out that that Korea doesn't really have street names. They live in dongs(동 )and gu's (구)...ㅋㅋㅋ(hahaha). Oh, a Superhero name is the name of your first name and the first street that you lived on. For example, my superhero name is Rebel Decatur and my superpower is to belch supersonic stench.

Most of my students also didn't have pets so I made them choose the name of their first imaginary friend or the name they would give to a pet and the first foreign city they traveled to.

The best one in the class was Yukyuk Tokyo and her superpower was the ability to turn tacos into goblins.


Reading Focus 3

11:31 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
So...I am teaching this class that my boss also teaches and well...I feel a bit in the dark. There are two different times. I have two 5pm classes and I have one 730pm. The classes are really structured. It is a 2 and a half hour class and I'm supposed to spend 45 minutes going over their textbook, Improving College Reading. Then 45 minutes going quizzes and SATs and then I'm supposed to give them 20 minutes to read through and do some questions on a fictional book and then discuss it with them.

Now because it's the first week, my students aren't going to have quizzes for me to go over so I have about 45 minutes for me to fill in. I think I should do superhero names. They would have to think of name of the first road that they lived on plus the name of their first pet. For example, my superhero name would be Rebel Decatur. I think that would bond the class together. I guess I should also do schools and a place they would like to travel to. Yeah. It's a good way to eat up time. Then it's off to talking about the book- which I must say that I'm quite good at. Alright. I have 8 minutes to class and I think I know what I'm going to be doing.

5pm class
1. I'm going to take attendance and check homework.
2. I'm going to go over the ICR reading and questions.
3. Break.
4. I'll get them to do the questions on a Separate Peace in Class.
5. While they are doing the questions, I'll check their collocation homework.
6. I'll talk about A Separate Peace and then get them to introduce each other using their superhero names.


Figurative Language

4:25 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses

I've decided to find pictures off the web and get the students to describe them using figurative language. They should use personification, metaphor, similes and hyperboles. This should be fun. Here are the pics:


The Rural Juror

3:42 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
Nobody can pronounce r's or l's in Korea.



Story of Mankind Quiz answers

2:14 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
I need to go over this in class.

1) Name three things that the Romans learned from the Greeks?

Religion, a well-regulated system of coins and measures and weights, alphabet, government.

2) How were the Christians different from the followers of other religions?

"They extolled the beauties of poverty and humility and meekness." They also spoke up about the concept of hell. They believed in "One God." The refused to "pay homage to the emperor."



1:48 AM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses
Here are some sentences I really like that my students wrote. Some are good and some are just wrong!

Liberalism not only ignores but subverts equality.

The cat appeals to be bleeding.
(Koreans have a hard time distinguishing between l's and r's)


Story of Mankind

9:04 PM Reporter: Daniel Lee Gray 0 Responses

I am currently teaching Story of Mankind to middle school students. It is twice a week, 3 hours a class. My hagwon is a bit ambitious and they would like my students to read the entire book in 5 weeks. The first class went well, but I am now in a rut. The students are starting to lose interest and it's entering this lull because they don't have time to read the book and the lecture is overloading them with information.

I have to make this class more interactive. I'm currently thinking of making a quiz game. The students will make up questions and then we'll see who can pick the correct answers or I'll get them to give an in class presentation on a short topic. This might work, but my students have this class at 9:30 in the morning so I'm fighting several factors- i.e. lack of sleep, lack of motivation, and lack of preparation (there is only a little time for them to read and digest the information in the book.)

I have to prep throughly for the course and think of something to do next week. If I don't get the class back on track by next week, I'll have a long month ahead.



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